We strengthen the dance community by cultivating leadership through education and connection.


Why The Dance Leadership Institute?

Because the dance industry needs more leaders.

The Dance Leadership Institute was created to elevate standards and foster connection in the dance community through training, events, and mentorship. We support DANCE teachers, business owners, and emerging and established professionals who want to make a positive impact on the next generation of performing artists inside and outside of the studio.

What’s In Store

Discover a diverse range of programs at the Dance Leadership Institute designed to enhance your skills and empower you to lead effectively. Whether you wish to boost your professional acumen, elevate your professional profile, or aspire to become an in-demand dance adjudicator, our comprehensive offerings are tailored by dance industry professionals to meet you wherever you are on your dance journey.

What makes our programs different?

✅ Safe Space. You will have a safe space to discuss challenges and solutions.

✅ Practical. Our programs emphasize applied knowledge by going beyond theory and discussion and providing practical, hands-on experience.

✅ Real Standards. An interactive, expertly facilitated learning experience in real-time ensures course objectives are achieved and provides a personalized approach and outcome for every participant. Assignments must be completed for all certification programs.

✅ We believe in people & profits! Our programs promote practices and business models that are financially sustainable while taking care of your people (including yourself!), without compromising your values.

What People Are Saying

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